Legal Notices

Registered address

Allagraf Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 3966743. Our registered address is:

Allagraf Limited
Christchurch House
Upper George Street
Luton LU1 2RS
United Kingdom

General legal notices


This site and the materials on this site are © Allagraf Limited and Marinade Limited 2000-2016. All rights reserved.

You may download or print one copy of materials on this site (in their entirety and with all associated notices) solely for use by you personally or within your organisation. You will need specific permission from Allagraf for any other reproduction.

Disclaimers and limitations of liability

Allagraf shall not be liable to you or any other person for loss or liability of any kind.

In particular, Allagraf shall not be liable to you or any other person for loss of profits, goodwill or any special indirect or consequential loss (including loss or damage suffered as the result of action brought by a third party) even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable and even if Allagraf was advised of the possibility of it.

The laws of some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimers, exclusions and limitations of liability so that the above may not apply to you. Your statutory rights as a consumer (if any) are not affected.

The laws relating to digital signatures are not harmonised throughout the world so that the statements made here may not apply in the jurisdictions in which your business operates.

Trade marks

ALLAGRAF and the Allagraf logo are registered trade marks of Allagraf Limited. All rights reserved.

Links to other web sites

Links from this web site may take you to other web sites that are not controlled or investigated by Allagraf Limited. Allagraf Limited does not approve or endorse linked web sites in any way. Links are provided for your convenience only and Allagraf Limited is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any other web site linked directly or indirectly to this site. Use of any such links will not render Allagraf Limited liable to you or any other person for loss or liability of any kind.

Privacy Statement

Personal data

Allagraf Limited's site logs your IP address. At present, this information is used only for system administration and diagnostic purposes.

In addition, if you use our authentication services for any website we support with such services, we will store such information about you as may be required to authenticate you when you visit that website. This may include your name, e-mail address, IP address, password and the times and dates of your log-ins. Such data will be stored securely and in accordance with good current practice.

The only other information about you that Allagraf Limited may collect, process or store is contained in emails sent to it from this site. No use will be made of personal data relating to any person other than the sender of the email.

Currently the emails are used only for the purposes of responding to the sender. If the information in them is to be used for any other purpose, the sender will get advance notification and the opportunity to request the deletion of personal data.

Such emails and Allagraf's responses will be stored in sent and/or received mail folders prior to deletion by the person responding on Allagraf's behalf. Allagraf may also retain copies for back up or archive purposes both before and after deletion from its live systems.

Allagraf Limited is a data controller registered with the UK Information Commissioner's Office under registration number Z4926586.